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El mejor asesino natural de chinches de cama de bricolaje clasificado como el número 1 de Estados Unidos

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5 cosas que debes buscar con tu luz contra chinches

How to Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Home From Vacation

Cómo evitar traer chinches a casa después de las vacaciones

They creep, crawl, and might be in your hotel room. And even worse? They could be coming home with you. Oh, the Horror!!!! Bed bug infestations can occur anytime, but experts say it’s wise to be extra wary of the critters during peak travel times — like summer.
4 Tips for Bed Bug Prevention in Hotel Rooms

4 consejos para la prevención de chinches en habitaciones de hotel

Bed bugs are everywhere and are among the most stubborn pests to deal with. Hotel pest control has its own unique challenges because there are numerous potential hiding spots and areas for bed bugs to explore. These pests not only put the health of guests and staff at risk but can also harm the hotel’s reputation.
Bed Bugs: A Traveler’s Concern?

Chinches: ¿la preocupación de un viajero?

Scientists have found that bed bug population numbers reach their highest during the summer vacation months, partly because warmer temperatures speed up the development process. This means more are around to hitch a ride with unsuspecting vacationers during trips. However, accidentally picking up bed bugs isn’t just a summertime concern.
Traveling and Bed Bugs – The Hidden Perils of Exploring the World

Viajar y chinches: los peligros ocultos de explorar el mundo

After a fun-filled vacation or a busy business trip, the notion of a bed bug infestation is likely the last thing on your mind. While staying in high-end hotels or ensuring visitors read reviews may help prevent an unwanted encounter with these blood-sucking pests, a recent survey by the NPMA found that roughly 75 percent of pest control companies treated bed bug infestations in hotels throughout the United States.
How Do Bed Bugs Travel?

¿Cómo viajan las chinches?

Once bed bugs are in your house, you want to eliminate them. But as you’re battling them with our natural bed bug treatment (and winning!), you also want to take the time to do a “post mortem” of the situation to do whatever you can to make sure it never happens again.

How To Treat Bites While the Bed Bug Repellent Is Working

Cómo tratar las picaduras mientras el repelente de chinches está funcionando

Okay, so the unthinkable happened. Maybe you brought them home on your luggage after that trip; perhaps a houseguest brought them in on their luggage, and the little bloodsuckers made their way from the spare bedroom to yours. It doesn’t matter how you got the bed bugs because all that matters now is finding out how to exterminate them!
Father's Day

Día del padre 2019

Father's Day weekend is almost here! Have you picked up Dad's new grill set or backpack? Pre-Covid, the most popular gifts for dad were things he could use, like new ties and shirts or that shiny new toolset he's been eyeballing.