Natural Non-Toxic,
Child & Pet Safe
Recommended for Home, Mattress & Furniture

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Bed Bug Patrol - Bed Bug Spray is trusted by families, businesses, hotels, and anywhere an effective, all-natural treatment is required.
You will need to investigate your entire environment. Look everywhere including cracks and crevices or anywhere a Bed Bug might want to hide. The adult bed bug is brown to reddish-brown to translucent, depending on if they have fed or not, oval-shaped, flattened, and about 1/16 to 5/8 inch long, the size of an apple seed. A newly-hatched bed bug is semi-transparent, light tan in color, and about the size of a poppy seed.Some Things To Look For: Live or Dead Bed Bugs Black Spots (bed bug droppings) Bed Bug Eggs (very small)
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Our Categories

Bed Bug Patrol Bed Bug Killer | 2 - 3 Room Home Protection Pack | 100% Environmentally Friendly, Family & Pet Safe Bed Bug Killer Formula
Add to Cart$69.95

Bed Bug Patrol Bed Bug Killer | Full Infestation Home Protection Pack | 100% Environmentally Friendly, Family & Pet Safe Bed Bug Killer Formula
Add to Cart$149.99

Bed Bug Patrol Bed Bug Killer Spray Treatment | 24oz (2-Pack)| Kills Bed Bugs on Contact, Natural & Non-Toxic, Child & Pet Safe.
Add to Cart$35.75

how to find bed bugs?
You will need to investigate your entire environment. Look everywhere including cracks and crevices or anywhere a Bed Bug might want to hide.

How To Kill Bed Bugs?
We've created a downloadable guide you can view on any device or print out to help you maximize your efforts to kill bed bugs.

need products to kill bed bugs? was founded with the mission of helping people successfully win their battle against those pesky hard-to-kill bed bugs.
Protect Your Home and Family from Bed Bug Intruders


Child and Pet-Friendly


pleasant scent
Every Bedbug Cleaning Related Answer is Here
Bed Bug Patrol only uses premium natural ingredients that are proven to kill bed bugs and are safe to use around children and pets. Less expensive chemical bed bug killers can harm your environment and loved ones. Bed bugs evolve quickly and become immune to traditional chemical treatments wasting your time & money.
We have been selling natural products online since 2003, with thousands of positive five-star reviews. We have an A+ BBB rating for customer satisfaction, plus our 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, the best guarantee in the industry.
You should order immediately. The faster you treat the bed bugs, the less time they have to reproduce, creating a more significant problem of them spreading. Bed Bug Patrol is a kill-on-contact spray so that you will see instant results, and along with the crawling insect dust, it will keep killing the bed bugs even while you sleep.
Yes, you can talk to several experienced customer service reps. You can reach us Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST, and we'll be happy to answer any question you have. Just call us toll-free at 1-866-371-2499.
Bed bugs can get around quickly by crawling from 3 to 5 feet per minute.
Being that bed bugs are wingless, and they cannot fly. They also cannot jump. They make their way onto beds by crawling up the legs of bed frames. They can also creep up bed skirts, blankets, or any other bedding that touches the floor.
Bed bugs also like to hide behind cracks and crevices in walls. They will eventually crawl onto headboards and mattresses to get closer to their food source.
Bed bugs also prefer natural and textured surfaces to crawl on and don't travel as well on slick surfaces.


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