The Benefits of Bed Bug Spray vs Powder

Finding out that you have a bed bug problem is bad enough, but then you have to decide which bed bug treatment you want to use to deal with it.
Google "natural bed bug treatment," and you'll likely be greeted with hundreds of thousands of results from different bed bug eradication companies claiming their products are the best.
Here at the Bedbug Store, we prefer to let the results do the "claiming" for us. We have hundreds of reviews from satisfied customers, positively raving about the effectiveness of our natural bed bug treatments. Over the years, we've perfected our formula and expanded our collection from simple bed bug sprays to premium mattress covers and steam-cleaning machines. When we say that we have EVERYTHING you need to deal with your bed bug problem once and for all, we mean it!
Two of our most popular natural bed bug treatments are our Bed Bug Patrol Killing Spray and Bed Bug Powder, also known as diatomaceous earth. In this blog post, we're going to look at the uses and benefits of each so that you can choose the best product for your needs.
Understanding Contact and Residual Bed Bug Treatments
Before we delve into our discussion of natural bed bug treatments, let's look at two terms commonly used in the professional pest control industry: contact and residual treatments.
Contact methods are bed bug treatments that work immediately but have little to no staying power. This means that they're effective at killing a specific bug "on contact" but won't do much to bother bugs that may pass through the area later. If you've ever used cockroach spray to kill a bug just sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor, you've had experience with a contact treatment.
Residual methods are bed bug treatments that remain effective for some time after being applied. These treatments effectively set up a fatal barrier that will stop bugs in their tracks even if you're not around to apply them. "The length of time [in which a residual method remains potent] depends on the formulation (dust, liquid, etc.), the type of surface (soil, brick, wood, etc.), and the condition of the surface (wet, greasy, etc.)," explains Orkin.
Here at Bed Bug Patrol, we offer contact and residual treatments for bed bugs. Let's take a closer look at two of them.
How Do Bed Bug Spray Treatments Work?
Our Natural Bed Bug Spray is the perfect example of a contact bed bug treatment. We're incredibly proud that, though we only use the finest natural ingredients, our bed bug spray works on contact. Bed bugs generally die within 30 minutes to 24 hours of contact with Bed Bug Patrol's Natural Bed Bug Killer.
How Do Bed Bug Powder Treatments Work?
Our Natural Bed Bug Powder (dust) Treatment is the perfect example of a residual bed bug treatment. This powder is made using diatomaceous earth, a natural substance harvested worldwide. Our Bed Bug Powder can be spread on carpets, rugs, furniture, windowsills, and any other area a bed bug may travel. It's not toxic to humans but fatal to bed bugs. When they cross the powder boundary, they'll dehydrate and die!
Get The Best Of Both Worlds With Our Natural Bed Bug Treatments
The best way to deal with a bed bug infestation is to choose contact and residual treatment methods. That's why we make and sell bed bug spray and powder at the Bed Bug Store. We highly recommend selecting the Bed Bug Spray Value Pack, which features two 24 oz. Spray bottles full of our potent Natural Bed Bug Killer. Pair this with a 2-lb package of our Crawling Insect Control Dust, specially formulated to kill bed bugs. These two affordable products are your best weapons against a bed bug infestation, providing short- and long-term results.
Don't waste your time with ineffective DIY solutions or other bed bug killers made with toxic chemicals. When you use our Bed Bug Spray and Powder, you'll have the peace of mind that you're only using natural ingredients and the satisfaction of watching bed bugs die almost immediately.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on our travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy travel-sized bottle for your convenience.