Don't Get Caught in A Hotel with Bed Bugs

Staying Safe This Summer!
Every year, travelers suffer from being bit and tormented by bed bugs when they stay in a hotel, motel, or Airbnb. I read an article yesterday where a woman sued and won against Disneyland.
"According to the lawsuit, she suffered emotional stress and anxiety from the bites which caused severe rashes over her body and led to her losing clothing and other personal items."*
Bed bugs are mean-spirited little blood-feeding insects. They do not care that you are on vacay with your family. They do not care that you have worked hard to afford your trip away from home. How can you make sure you and your family are safe? Keep reading....
Bed Bugs and the States
In the 70s, bed bugs were considered a rarity in developed countries. But, since early 2000, infestations have become more common in places such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Not only are there more bed bugs than ever before, but according to the journal of economic entomology, they are more ruthless to discourage, as they become less vulnerable to chemical insecticides.
With the increase in international travel and people finally allowing themselves to travel after COVID-19, bed bugs are even more prevalent than in recent years.
Where are Bed Bugs Found
Although bed bugs are an assorted lot of buggers, it comes as no shock to know that the chosen areas to find bed bugs are public properties where there is a significant movement of humans. Like us, bed bugs love to travel and hitchhike into our suitcases, purses, clothes, backpacks, and furniture.
Look at these startling data below of the properties in which bed bugs are most popular:
- Single-family homes – 91%
- Apartments/condominiums – 89%
- Hotels/motels – 68%
- Nursing homes – 59%
- School/daycare centers – 47%
- Offices – 46%
- College dormitories – 45%
- Hospitals – 36%
- Doctors' office – 33%
- Public transport – 29%
- Retail outlets – 20%
- Movie theatres – 16%
It's very well-known how difficult getting rid of a bed bug infestation is. These despicable insects can survive without eating for up to a year. Don't think waiting them out will remove them; it won't!
Most people are clueless about an infestation until it becomes apparent, with only 96% reporting a bed bug invasion having had noticeable signs or showing visible evidence of bed bug bites. Most people assume they have fleas before realizing they, in fact, have bed bugs. By then, they are infested.
Fun Facts You Should Know**
1. Every year, 1 in every 5 households is affected by bed bugs.
2. Bed bug cases were reported in all 50 states in 2020.
3. Bed bugs are 60% more likely to bite the upper torso rather than areas on the lower body.
4. It takes 7 weeks on average for a modern bed bug infestation to be discovered.
5. Bed bugs are more common in homes and apartments, with the 3rd-highest percentage of infestations occurring in hotels. (Even high-end hotels are at risk)
6. Between 55 and 75 degrees F is the optimal temperature for bed bugs to spread.
8. Close to 97% of bed bug professionals perform bed bug treatments on an annual basis.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on our travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy travel-sized bottle for your convenience.