5 Things To Look For With Your Bed Bug Light

You have a suspicion. An inkling. A heavy burden of foreboding that you just can’t shake. You worry that you might have bed bugs in your house, and you just can’t get a moment’s rest until you know the truth.
If this describes your current situation, we completely understand! We founded The Bedbug Store online to help people discover their bed bug problems sooner and get rid of them quickly. That’s why we’ve created various natural bed bug treatment products designed to get you the results you want (a bed bug-free home) right when you want them (as soon as possible!).
In addition to our bed bug spray and powders, which are designed to kill living bed bugs, we also offer several products that will help you inspect your home for bed bugs regularly and prevent bed bugs from infesting your home should they be brought in by luggage, guests, or animals.
One of our more popular bed bug prevention products is the Bed Bug UV Detection Light. This device is specially designed to make it easier for you to spot bed bugs in your home before a small problem becomes a massive infestation.
Keep reading to learn more about how our bed bug lights work and what you should look for when conducting a bed bug inspection in your home, hotel room, Airbnb, or place of business.
Why Is It So Important To Inspect With A Bed Bug Light?
Despite what you may have read online, it’s tough to spot bed bugs with the human eye. First, bed bugs don’t like to come out during the day. They prefer to venture out of their tiny hiding places when it’s dark and are more likely to find unsuspecting prey (aka sleeping humans). Second, bed bugs are pretty fast. They’ll typically only feed briefly before scurrying back to their hole to digest their most recent human blood meal. Third, while you may occasionally be able to spot an adult bed bug, especially if the infestation is getting out of control, they’re not the only ones you have to worry about. Unless you also destroy the bed bug eggs, you’ll likely experience a vicious infestation cycle.
What To Look For
So, once you’ve purchased your bed bug detector light from the Bedbug Store, how exactly do you use it? And what tell-tale signs of bed bug habitation are you looking for? Here are the most important ones:
Fecal Spots: Bed bugs are NOT housebroken. This means that in addition to biting you, they typically go to the bathroom wherever they please. With your bed bug light, carefully inspect baseboards, cupboards, furniture cushions, and especially your bedsheets, mattress, and box springs for thin black streaks. These are the signs of bed bug waste, and they’re much easier to see with a bed bug light.
Discarded Skins: The next thing you’ll want to look for with your bed bug light is the skins that are left behind when a bed bug molts. Every time a bed bug achieves a new stage of maturity, it leaves behind its former exoskeleton. They look like golden shells that used to contain a bed bug but are now empty. There are five stages of bed bug growth, so each leaves more than a couple of skins behind. If you find these golden shells, you’ll know that bed bugs have been reproducing nearby.
Blood Spots: Bed bugs gotta eat, and their meal of preference is human blood. Unfortunately, bed bugs don't teach their kids excellent manners, so they tend to get their "food" all over the place. Use your bed bug light to scan all furniture, mattresses, box springs, and bedclothes for dark red blood spots. This usually happens when bed bugs are crushed by your body while biting you during the night. Yuck.
Bed Bug Eggs: This is one of the most essential things to search for with your bed bug light. Unhatched bed bug eggs are white in color (aka very hard to see), deposited in clusters of two to five, and typically the size of a grain of rice. You're likely to miss them if you're searching without light or with a regular flashlight.
Live Bed Bugs: There's no more definite confirmation that you have a bed bug problem than finding the little suckers frolicking around your home or business. If you've never seen a bed bug before, you should know that you're looking for dark, reddish-brown insects about the size of an apple seed. They are wingless, with six legs and short antennae. Armed with your bed bug detector light, they should be easy to spot, especially on lighter-colored furniture, mattresses, and linens.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.