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13 Things That Attract Bed Bugs (That You Can't Do Anything About) – BB Store

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Do Bed Bugs Travel?

If you have found bed bugs in your home, one of the first questions you might ask is: “How did they get here?” The truth is, bed bugs are excellent travelers. With a lifespan of almost a year and the ability to go months without food in the right conditions, bed bugs can hitchhike on m...

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Generally, people are pretty clued up on bugs: ask someone on the street what a bee, a spider, or even a roach looks like, and chances are they’ll give you a confident, accurate, and fairly consistent description. But if you asked someone what a bed bug looked like? The chance of their...

Natural Ways to Kill Bed Bugs At Home

  The control of bed bugs is by no means a new problem. In fact, bed bugs have been mentioned in literature throughout the ages, with the first reliable written record of bed bug infestations in the 1500s.[1]With this long history, we humans have spent a whole lot of time trying to fig...

Where Are Bed Bugs Most Common?

Bed bugs are found all over the world, but there are certain countries and places in which you are more likely to come across them. Forewarned is forearmed, so gaining an understanding of where bed bugs are most prevalent will help you prevent them from infesting your home, as well as ...