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13 Things That Attract Bed Bugs (That You Can't Do Anything About) – BB Store

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Don't Get Caught in A Hotel with Bed Bugs

Staying Safe This Summer! Every year, travelers suffer from being bit and tormented by bed bugs when they stay in a hotel, motel, or Airbnb. I read an article yesterday where a woman sued and won against Disneyland. "According to the lawsuit, she suffered emotional stress and anxiety f...

The Benefits of Bed Bug Spray vs Powder

Finding out that you have a bed bug problem is bad enough, but then you have to decide which bed bug treatment you want to use to deal with it.   Google "natural bed bug treatment," you'll likely be greeted with hundreds of thousands of results from different bed bug eradication compan...

The One Way To Prevent Bed Bugs You Can Completely Control

Alana Korol July 20, 2018 In a recent post, we told you about the most common ways bed bugs travel. It’s usually because of a suitcase in a hotel room, and the little bugs grabbed on because they’re just horrible. Sometimes, they can come in on guests, too, of...