7 "Alternative Facts" the Internet Wants You to Believe About Bed Bugs

The internet is a remarkable thing. It makes many things so effortless that they would have been impossible just a few decades ago.
Take shopping for all-natural bed bug treatments, for instance. Not that long ago, you would have had to put on your pants (boo), get in the car, drive to the store that you hope carries all-natural bed bug treatments, walk into the store, talk to an actual person about which brand they think is best (yuck) and then pay retail prices for whatever product you chose.
To make matters worse, you’d have to lather-rinse-repeat the whole process if the bed bug treatment you purchased didn’t work to eliminate your problem.
The Internet Isn't Always Truthful About Bed Bug Treatments
However, thanks to the fantastic convenience of the internet, not only can we eliminate your need to put on pants, but we can also make it much more affordable for you to purchase all of the all-natural bed bug treatment products you need to take care of your bed bug problem quickly and effectively.
The internet isn’t so great for learning the best way to fight back against bed bugs or why they show up in your house in the first place. That’s where the pros at Bed Bug Patrol can help. We’ve been fighting the good fight against bed bugs since 2003, so we know how to separate fact from fiction.
Want to test your bed bug expertise against ours? Keep reading to discover some of the most popular “alternative facts” the internet likes to spread about bed bugs and all-natural bed bug treatments.
Have You Been Duped By These Lies?
1. Only dirty, poor people get bed bugs.
This is one of the oldest and most deeply false stereotypes about bed bugs, and we can’t wait for people to realize the truth. Bed bugs can exist anywhere humans are present regularly. It doesn’t have to be a home or hotel room, and it certainly doesn’t need to be dirty for bed bugs to thrive. Why? Because bed bugs don’t eat dirt, silly. They eat human blood. Bed bugs can appear anytime if there’s a steady food supply and a place to hide.
2. Bed bugs are easy to see.
The internet will show 15,609,723 zoomed-in images of bed bugs in .45 seconds. Yes, these images will be terrifying and probably make you feel like a bed bug is crawling on you right this minute. These images are meant to show you the features of a bed bug up close, but that’s not what they’ll look like to your naked eye when you’re frantically scanning your dorm room or apartment. A full-grown bed bug is barely bigger than an apple seed, and they’re very good at hiding before they see you coming. Bed bugs may hide for days at a time while they’re digesting their latest meal.
3. You can get rid of bed bugs by vacuuming.
Bed bugs don't have suction cups for feet. If you can get one to stand still long enough, you can suck it into your vacuum cleaner. But then what? Unless you're willing to "carefully inspect the beater brush, the tubing, the attachments, and the filter (if applicable) each and every time you empty it, which should be every time you've vacuumed up bed bugs. Otherwise, the vacuum cleaner is now the new townhouse for the critters you sucked up," explains Selena MacIntosh.
4. Bed bugs can jump.
We’ll admit it. Nothing is more horrifying than a bug that may suddenly spring into the air and land on your face. Nothing. And while many bugs can absolutely pull off this acrobatic feat, bed bugs aren’t one of them. Bed bugs can crawl up walls and on ceilings and fall on your face from these heights, but your face is safe if they’re on the ground.
5. CO2 traps will eliminate bed bugs.
The problem with this “alternative fact” is that it’s based on truth. Bed bugs are attracted to CO2, especially the kind humans exhale while sleeping, but CO2 won’t kill them. The only reason to use CO2 traps is to gauge the extent of your bed bug problem. If you put them out and only a few bugs show up, you probably caught it early. If they’re overrun with bed bugs after being out for just one night? You’re in trouble.
6. Diatomaceous Earth won’t kill bed bugs.
As makers of some of the finest bed bug treatment dust on the market, we take personal offense to this one. We assume that this lie is perpetrated by people who thought they could sprinkle a little diatomaceous earth around their house and kill every bed bug within 24 hours. We’ll be the first to tell you this isn’t the way diatomaceous earthworks. Bed bug dust is designed to be a residual all-natural bed bug treatment, used in conjunction with contact bed bug treatments like our natural bed bug spray. It’s the one-two punch that always sends bed bugs packing.
7. Bed bugs aren’t a health threat.
While bed bugs have nothing to do with the cleanliness of your apartment or how expensive your home is, it’s still not a good idea to let them linger in your domicile. Why? Because, in case you’ve forgotten, their primary entertainment is biting human beings. These bites can cause swelling, redness, and itching and become quite a health hazard--especially for seniors and babies.
When It Comes To Bed Bugs, It’s Best To Trust The Experts
Our point for writing this blog is to call out the bed bug lies that are floating around every bed bug forum on the internet and to remind you that when choosing natural bed bug treatments, it’s always best to rely on brands that have been proven to get results for many years.
Please read our reviews, then purchase your natural bed bug remedies in our online store or Amazon today!
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.