An Inconvenient Truth About Bed Bug Foggers

You thought you saw something out of the corner of your eye. So you used our Bed Bug Detection Light to inspect your entire house thoroughly, and your worst fears were confirmed: you’re living with bed bugs.
Embarrassed but determined to get a handle on the problem before it gets out of control, you decided to confide in your best friend to see if they have any advice about what you should do. “Gross!” they exclaimed to the whole coffee shop as soon as they heard the news, “You should fog the crap out of your apartment!”
With wide eyes, you listen as she recounts a harrowing tale of “that one time she had cockroaches,” her landlord made her call an exterminator to fog her entire condo. She had to stay with her crazy aunt for three days while the deed was carried out.
“Seriously,” she concluded, “get one of those maximum strength foggers they sell at the hardware store and those bed bugs will be TOAST!”
We understand you love your friend, so this may shock her, but she’s completely wrong about using foggers as a natural bed bug treatment. While fog extermination techniques can be used to fight back against some bugs, the parasitic insects now inhabiting your apartment aren’t among them.
Please keep reading to learn why your money will be much better spent buying the natural bed bug treatments we sell here at the Bed Bug Store. And because they’re made with the finest non-toxic ingredients, you can also avoid sleeping in a hotel (or on your crazy aunt’s couch) while waiting for a fogger to work.
Bed Bug Foggers Are Popular, But Not Effective
If you have no idea what we’re talking about when we refer to bed bug foggers, let’s clarify what these extermination tools are and how they work.
Also called “bug bombs,” these devices are designed to eliminate insects by saturating the air of an indoor environment with chemical insecticide. Now, why people cannot stay home while a fogger is in use should be clear. Pretty much anything that’s living will be dead after spending 24 hours breathing in the toxic fumes of a fogger...anything EXCEPT bed bugs and other crawling insects, that is.
Even though many well-known pesticide companies market their foggers for bed bugs, fleas, and other crawling insects, they’re rarely effective on these bugs. More on that is below.
Studies Say, "Don't Waste Your Money On Bed Bug Foggers!"
"Research out of Ohio State finds foggers have little impact on modern-day bed bugs due to the brief exposure times, their relatively low concentrations of pyrethrins and/or pyrethroids, and their lack of residual activity. And, the insecticide mist from such foggers had no adverse effects on any bed bugs that were in harborages — their typical location," explains a report in Pest Control Technology online.
What this means is that while foggers are great for flying insects, who need air to get around, they're a terrible tactic to use against bugs which can crawl into very tight spaces (crevices of furniture, behind wallpaper, inside electrical outlets) where the toxic fog can't penetrate.
If you choose a fogger over our natural bed bug treatments, you'll be out of money and still have bed bugs. Your entire home or apartment will be covered in a film of toxic chemical residue.
"...foggers have been implicated in human injury and illnesses, often due to misuse of the products by consumers. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 3,222 cases of acute, pesticide-related illness or injury associated with exposure to total-release foggers in eight states between 2007 and 2015," continues PCT. From 2001 - 2006, the case amounts were 422. That's a considerable increase.
When you choose a chemical-based fogger, everything must be wiped, washed, vacuumed, and aired out before you can safely inhabit your home. You don't need that kind of headache, and we can help.
Our Natural Treatments Are The BEST Way To Fight Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are an age-old problem and one that still needs a solution. For many years, people relied on toxic chemical pesticide sprays and other products because they thought that was the only way to protect themselves against bed bugs. We at the Bed Bug Store knew there had to be a better way.
That’s why we researched the science of plant-based pesticides and created a powerful formula of ingredients we knew would:
A) be effective and
B) be safe enough to use in a home that you inhabit with pets and children.
We developed a unique blend of essential oils and other natural, plant-derived ingredients that attack bed bugs quickly and reliably. Most importantly, our natural bed bug treatments won’t leave behind a sticky, toxic residue on your belongings or make your home smell like someone just exploded a chemical bomb inside your home. Instead, you’ll be left with clean surfaces and the refreshing scent of peppermint. When coupled with our residual bed bug treatment, like Diatomaceous Earth and Bed Bug Traps, the Bed Bug Store is a surefire weapon in your fight against bed bugs.
So tell your friend thanks but no thanks for the bed bug advice. You’ve researched and know that natural bed bug treatments are always the best. Place your order today!
Let us at Bed Bug Store assist you. All our products come with a 90-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee. Since 2003, we have been the bed bug treatment to turn to. Our products are 100% all-natural, chemical and pesticide-free. The smell you notice when using our solution is the fresh scent of peppermint.