Harris Bed Bug Killer VS. Bed Bug Patrol

Bed Bug Patrol is the only bed bug-killing spray on the market!
Okay, fine, you caught us. That isn’t true. It’s not remotely true. If you go to a big box store, you can find other bed bug sprays out there, and it’s no surprise considering how bed bugs have made quite the comeback in the last couple of decades. Of course, we’ve already detailed why you should avoid using products like Raid on your bed; it might be worth it if they worked, but on top of not working, they’re also severely caustic and usually contain carcinogens.
Okay, we’re not the only bed bug-killing spray on the market. Sometimes, people ask the internet about some of our competitors, so we thought we’d delve into the differences between us and them. Let’s take a look at Harris Bed Bug Killer vs. Bed Bug Patrol.
We’ve Both Got Good Advice
Let’s start with a positive: we’re both offering sound advice. Because so many professional exterminator methods don’t work and whole-house heat treatments are so expensive, it’s a good idea to seek a more effective spray-based method.
Both companies suggest using bed bug traps to verify that you have bed bugs. We also both adhere to the idea of using the high heat of a dryer to kill bed bugs (though we’d also suggest a high-heat wash as well. Why not wash most of the dead bed bugs down the drain instead of having them stuck in your dry sheets?) Both of us suggest that a heavy vacuuming regimen is an excellent way to remove bed bugs physically. We also agree that using bed bug mattress covers is a good idea because it traps the bed bugs inside and keeps new bed bugs from finding a place to hide.
We advise that Harris seems to have missed one more aspect of bed bug eradication: steam. Steam is an excellent way to get at bed bugs beyond the reach of a typical vacuum, and the high temperature ensures that the bed bugs and their eggs can’t survive.
We Focus On One Pest
Please take a look at the name of our store: Bedbug Store. Look at the name of our bed bug killer spray: Bed Bug Patrol. Our business is bed bugs. Day and night, from top shelf to bottom in our warehouse, it’s all bed bugs. Even though our bed bug killer spray can eliminate other bugs and insects, our focus remains on bed bug removal.
Harris has been in the bug eradication business for quite a while, but they didn’t start with bed bugs or end with bed bugs. Bed bug sprays are just one of the products they sell, so it’s not their primary focus like ours. Harris is focused on 19 different kinds of bugs, which can’t help but split their focus more than a little bit.
We have a singular goal: to kill bed bugs. We want to help you with your bed bug eradication.
Harris Requires Two Separate Sprays
As we watched this Harris video, everything was going well. The spokesman tells us about the spray and delivers claims about how well it works. It sounds standard; we wouldn’t expect him to tell us it didn’t work.
RECORD SCRATCH! It turns out that a second bottle is necessary to kill the eggs! That doesn’t sound right. It just seems like a way to get people to purchase two products instead of one. On the other hand, our bed bug sprays handle every stage of the bed bug: adults, nymphs (all five stages), and eggs.
When we were watching the video, he got most of the way through and pulled out a third bottle, and we were like, “Whaaaaaa? Three bottles of spray?!” It turns out it was just their dusting agent, diatomaceous earth. While we can’t get behind their two sprays, we have no problems getting behind the use of diatomaceous earth.
Let’s Talk About The Ingredients
Harris bed bug sprays use deltamethrin, one of the most commonly used insecticides on the market. It's a neurotoxin, which means that it can affect the brain short-term until it's metabolized and excreted. The more you get in or on you, the longer it will take to recover. It can also cause tingling or reddening of the skin at the point of contact. A poison control center should be called immediately if anything containing deltamethrin is ingested.
Deltamethrin isn't specific to killing bed bugs at all; it's just bugs in general. It's as if you were hammering five different kinds of nails, and the guy at the hardware store tried to sell you five of the same hammer. In other words, you probably already have something with deltamethrin insecticide in your house; if you wouldn't use that on your bed, we can't recommend Harris.
We're pretty proud of our eco-friendly, plant-based, natural bed bug-killing sprays because they're just that: all-natural. We discovered that the simplest means of killing bed bugs was right in front of us all along, and all we had to do was investigate nature and find it. Our bed bug treatments are safe to use around kids and pets, and they're gentle enough to be used where you sleep without fear of ill effects.
Oh yeah, and deltamethrin doesn’t work on 88% of bed bugs! Now we know that Wikipedia can’t always be trusted, so here’s the scientific paper that details why this is happening. And just for good measure, here’s the quote from Wikipedia that summarizes it:
“Two mutations, the valine to leucine mutation (V419L) and the leucine to isoleucine mutation (L925I) in voltage-gated sodium channel α-subunit gene, have been identified as responsible for knockdown resistance to deltamethrin in bed bugs. One study found that 88% of bed bug populations in the US had at least one of the two mutations, if not both, meaning that deltamethrin resistance among bed bugs is currently making this insecticide obsolete.”
Yeah, we bolded that last part. Wiki-burn! So, unless your bed bugs are among the 12 percent still susceptible to deltamethrin, you’re not going to have any luck at all.
Their Guy Isn’t Rocking An Awesome Bald Head!
When you look at their videos, that guy isn’t bald—he doesn’t even have a goatee! Now, take a look at our founder and CEO, Bill Carlson. Bam!
Our CEO, Bill Carlson, is simply rocking his bald head and goatee in the videos! You can tell that Bill, as our founder, is very knowledgeable and passionate about helping you get rid of bed bugs as quickly as possible. Find out more about Bill here (oh no, Bill, where’s your goatee in that picture?!).
The Final Verdict
You can probably guess which spray to kill bed bugs we’d use: Bed Bug Patrol! (Feigned shock!). Yes, we’re biased, but honestly, we think it’s important to mention some of the reasons you might consider us over the other guys, whoever they are. Ready to try our chemical-free and non-toxic bed bug products and get our 90-day guarantee?
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.