How To Treat Bites While the Bed Bug Repellent Is Working

Okay, so the unthinkable happened. Maybe you brought them home on your luggage after that trip; perhaps a houseguest brought them in on their luggage, and the little bloodsuckers made their way from the spare bedroom to yours. It doesn’t matter how you got the bed bugs, because all that matters now is finding out how to exterminate them!
Well, we have that part covered. We provide everything you need to get rid of bed bugs in an all-natural way, from simple solutions like bed bug-killing spray and bed bug traps to more expensive options like our professional steamers. So, the first thing to do is find the best bed bug-killing product that fits your needs and budget.
But once you click that order button, the products don’t magically appear on your doorstep, do they? While we offer free shipping and will ship your product out almost immediately, it will still take a couple of days to arrive. Once it does, the results might be fast, but it might take some time for all the bed bugs to contact the pesticides. What do you do in the meantime as your bed bug numbers diminish? Let’s look at bed bug bites and how to treat them.
Recognizing the Bites
One of the reasons that bed bug bites can be challenging to identify is that the level of infection determines how many you'll have. If there are just a couple of bed bugs, you might brush off the red and raised part of your skin as acne or attribute the itching to mosquitoes you encountered during that walk in the park. (Humans will go a long way to avoid admitting they have bed bugs.) This can delay people from seeking treatment, giving the bed bugs time to breed.
As the bed bug infestation worsens, more of them will come for your blood. There are often little highways of bites going up and down the skin. This is when most people notice something's wrong and start typing "how to get rid of bed bugs" into their computer's browser. The lucky ones find us and our all-natural bed bug killer!
How Soon Does Your Skin React?
There’s another reason people aren’t getting bed bug treatments: they might not see or feel the bites at all. About a quarter of all people show absolutely no allergic reaction at all to bed bug bites, meaning no itching, redness, or raised skin. For other people, the reaction could be so mild that they give it a few scratches and are done with it. In contrast, others are so allergic to bed bug saliva that they break out and get welts and severe redness.
To make matters even worse, the reaction might take time. The allergic reaction can be delayed by more than a day, meaning that you could get bitten in a hotel room and be back at your house before you even think of looking for them in your luggage. (Read here to find out how you can avoid bringing bed bugs home from hotel rooms in the first place.)
Before the Package Gets There
Okay, so you clicked "submit" on your order, but it will still take a couple of days to arrive. What do you do in the meantime?
First, go ahead and get out the vacuum and use the attachment to get into the crevices of your mattress. Sure, you might only get a few of the bed bugs, but that means fewer bites on you over the next few nights and fewer places that might cause you to itch. And maybe you got the one that would bite you right in the face!
If you have some anti-itch cream, ointment, or salve, such as Naturasil's Bite Relief or a topical steroid, feel free to use it. These usually work by constricting the blood vessels in your skin, causing the itch receptors not to send the itch signal to your brain. Still, you should only use one until natural relief arrives. Wait, is something else arriving in the mail? Oh, we forgot to mention that when you ordered our bed bug-killing spray, you also ordered something to reduce the itching...
While You're Treating
Yay, the package arrived! You rip it open and grab all the bed bug treatments you ordered. Our spray is one of the most common, as are the bed bug dust (diatomaceous earth) and bed bug traps. If you want to ensure you get them all, our professional steamer is a great option. So you get to work killing all of those little horrors by attacking them from every angle.
While the spray will handle most of the problems, the bugs that are hiding will have to come in contact with the dust or the traps to kill them. While waiting for that, you might still get a few bites. It's good you ordered some bed bug bite relief from us!
So head down to that torn-open box and find the other items you were forward thinking enough to purchase from us. First, there's the topical bite relief that you can roll right over all your bed bug bites. This all-natural bed bug bite relief reduces itching, pain, and swelling caused by bed bugs.
Of course, whenever you know that little bugs have been crawling around on your skin, you feel like you need a take one! Unfortunately, many soaps (even moisturizing ones) don’t do much to help your itchy skin; they will even remove any natural skin oils or bite relief treatments you’ve applied. Our sulfur lavender soap is a great way to help reduce itching and make your skin feel better.
Little things can often grow into big problems. A single pregnant bed bug can lead to a lot of work. Still, if you devote your energy to it as quickly as possible, you’ll be able to eradicate the problem. The Bed Bug Store is here to help you with your bed bug problems, whether looking for a natural, plant-based insecticide or simple bed bug bite relief.
Hit those bed bugs hard from every possible angle with the bed bug treatments you’ll find in this video, and treat your body right, too, with the bed bug itch relief we mentioned above. There’s hope for bed bug relief, and you’ve found it here!
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.