Natural Alternatives Work 100% of the Time to Kill Bed Bugs
![Natural Alternatives Work 100% of the Time to Kill Bed Bugs](
After over 60 years without significant bed bug infestation across the US, there has been an increasing resurgence of bed bugs nationwide. Bed bugs are shutting down businesses and being found at your local movie theaters and clothing stores as they inch closer and closer to your home.
These bed bug outbreaks are located in just about every city in the country. The major national media has focused on New York City and Ohio. However, a recent poll of major pest control companies reports that all major cities, as well as most small cities, have had at least several occurrences of bed bugs in the last 9 years.
The decision to use standard pesticides versus natural, safer alternatives is an easy one. The primary reason that bed bugs have made a resurgence in the last few years is that they have become immune to standard pesticides, including those readily marketed by major pest control companies and approved by the EPA. Their immunity is caused by years of mutation, and it is building stronger every day. Those pesticides include Permethrin. Permethrin not only does not effectively kill bed bugs, but it is a known carcinogen.
Thankfully, Nature’s Innovation developed Bed Bug Patrol in 2003. It naturally kills bed bugs within seconds of spraying. Its primary active ingredients include food-grade peppermint and clove oil, which are ironically used in common Christmas foods.
Bed Bugs Are Not Immune to Bed Bug Patrol
Bed bugs can not become immune to Bed Bug Patrol. The active ingredients cause a physical action that causes the bed bug’s nervous system to shut down and kill the bed bug from the inside out. No immunity can be attained by using Bed Bug Patrol. It is common for bed bugs to suffer obvious nerve damage just before dying after being sprayed with Bed Bug Patrol.
Naturally Kill the Adults, Eggs, Nymphs, and Larvae
Bed Bug Patrol stops the lifecycle by killing all eggs, nymphs, and larvae it comes into contact with. Make sure you do your homework and find where the bed bugs are hiding, ripping your bedroom(s) apart and looking for them before spraying.
Tips on How to Remove Bed Bugs
Remove all the sheets and wash them in 120-degree water. Remove any bed covers that expose the mattress. Vacuum the mattress and box spring thoroughly. Encase the mattress and box spring in bed with bug-proof mattress covers. Then, tear apart the bed and vacuum it thoroughly, removing it from the wall. Vacuum the carpet, including ALL cracks and crevices. When you are done vacuuming, remove the bag or container and immediately empty it into your outside garbage receptacle.
Search alarm clocks, computers, picture frames, you name it, for bed bugs. They are sneaky and hide most of the time in the dark. They move quickly, so don’t take any chances. They can travel between apartments via electrical receptacles, people’s clothing, luggage, etc.
Before installing the mattress covers, spray and sprinkle the crawling insect dust on all cracks, crevices, and bedding; install Bed Bug Patrol Bed Bug Traps on each bedpost, ensuring no covers touch the floor before bedtime.
All of this should lead to a restful night of peaceful sleep.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.
Hear From Our Founder, Bill Carlson.