What Are Mother Nature’s Bed Bug Treatments?

In previous blogs, we've discussed the many ways to kill bed bugs. There are harsh and unnatural insecticides, but many have been banned, are harmful to humans, or are getting increasingly less effective as bed bugs build immunity. Our citrus and peppermint blend burns the bed bug. It will never build immunity.
There are heat treatments, but those can be incredibly expensive ($3,000–$5,000), might damage some of your belongings, and could cause the bed bugs to run away...infesting other parts of the house. Then there are the physical methods: we haven't seen a bed bug you can't smash with a bowling ball! (Oh, and there's also removing them physically with a vacuum.)
But the Earth has been killing Cimex lectularius for as long as humans have been around. And while we'd like to give it a shout-out for doing so, we'd appreciate it if it would just finish the job! Since Mother Nature won't wipe them out, we'd try to learn her secrets and take a few hints. Here at The Bedbug Store, we're big fans of finding ways to kill bed bugs naturally. And while we won't send you any assassin bugs to deal with your bed bug infestation, we will send you all-natural, plant-based remedies.
Here are some ways the world around you already cares for bed bugs, some of which we've developed into our natural bed bug killers.
Many essential oils, such as cinnamon, clove, peppermint, lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus, thyme, and tea tree oil, all work as a natural bed bug repellent. But you don't just want to repel the bed bugs; doing so sends them to other parts of the house. You want something to kill the bed bugs, not just make them smell good and run.
You've probably heard that bed bugs can survive for a year without food. How can that be, because all living things need water to survive? Well, they can absorb the moisture they need from the water vapor in the air. We have assembled a proprietary blend of oils and other natural ingredients that are safe for pets, plants, and humans. It's unsafe for bed bugs because it covers their bodies and prevents them from getting the moisture they need. Some essential oils contain other ingredients we'd rather not disclose because they're the secret to our success. Let's say that other bed bug control companies would be okay with discovering what they are.
We won't send you any leaves when you order from The Bed Bug Store. Certain types of leaves can be used to fight bed bugs. Some cultures in the developing world spread bean leaves around their beds at night. While that might seem superstitious at first, it's incredibly effective. The bean leaves contain tiny, hair-like particles called trichomes that stand up from the leaves. And that might not seem very painful to us; they are just the right size to pierce the bed bug legs at the joints, causing them to become caught. All you have to do is dispose of the leaves and bugs in the fire. While the bed bug traps we offer today are already very effective, you might see some trichome-based ones in the future.
Insects and Spiders
Something will eat something if a living thing exists (or a dead thing that was once living). Luckily, insects and spiders out there tend to have a deliberate interest in keeping bed bugs at bay. Let's take a look at some of our favorites.
The Masked Hunter: Just because you have these guys around doesn't mean you have bed bugs, but if you have bed bugs, you'll want these guys around! The masked hunter is in the assassin bug family and dines on bed bugs and other insects. The nymph of this insect has some of the most astonishing camouflage around; it secretes a sticky substance from its skin and picks up the dust it comes in contact with. It even covers its antennae and doesn't seem to mind getting dust in its eyes. All it takes is one walk across the dusty garage floor, and this thing is ready to hunt!
Spiders: We know, we know...finding a spider in the house can be disturbing. And some people hate sharing a space with our eight-legged neighbors. But in almost every case, a spider does more good than harm. Not only can they help keep bed bug populations down, but they also hunt home intruders that are even more disgusting (we're looking at you, silverfish). One spider that has made bed bugs a regular meal is the spider Thanatus flavidus, which is native to Russia, Ukraine, and Greece. Don't worry; we won't be sending you any as a natural bed bug remedy, no matter how well they might work.
Cockroaches: Here's something that won't surprise you: Cockroaches eat anything. Like humans, they're omnivores, but they're much more likely to be dining on rotting food, including meat and plant matter. Cockroaches are scavengers, but some species have no problem chowing down on bed bugs.
Ants: Don't mess with ants because ants will mess you up! One estimate puts the number of ants at around 10,000 trillion. If they could all get together, they'd have no trouble taking over the planet. Compared to pound-for-pound, ants have more biomass than humans. Luckily, they're more focused on eating everything else, including bed bugs, than on taking over the world. One worldwide species of ant, the pharaoh ant, is particularly keen on removing bed bugs. You don't want them in your house because they'll never leave. It's best to go with our all-natural spray for bed bugs that you can control.
Diatomaceous Earth
Along with our bed bug spray, our crawling bed bug dust is another popular way to handle bed bugs around here. Made from the ground-up shells of ancient sea creatures called diatoms, the dust gets on the body of a bed bug. It removes a waxy coating from its exoskeleton, causing it to dehydrate and die. Also, Diatomaceous Earth is inorganic, so it will stay around in your carpet until you vacuum it up.
We don't advise you to spread bean leaves or invite invasive spider and insect species into your home. Still, we recommend a good bed bug spray or crawling insect control dust.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.