4 Things It’s Almost Impossible to Do Before You Get A Natural Bed Bug Killer

So, you have bed bugs. We're sorry. Seriously. Sure, we hope you buy our all-natural bed bug killer from us, but we wish we didn't have to be in the business. If we could genie blink them all away, we would, and instead, find something else to sell, like drain cleaner or ham.
Why are we so sorry to hear that you have bed bugs? We know how bad they can be. We've heard from hundreds of customers about their need for a bed bug spray that works because bed bugs disrupt people's lives nationwide. Let's look at some of the most challenging aspects of bed bugs.
It’s Hard To Get To Sleep
It’s hard enough to sit on your bed when you have bed bugs because you might be transferring them to even more places in the house. (Sit on the bed, pick up bed bugs; sit on your kid’s bed, drop off bed bugs like some Thomas the Tank Engine that caters to tiny vampires.) (Note to self: kids’ show about a train that transports tiny vampires.)
So if it’s tough to sit on the bed for fear of picking up the little twerps (the little twerps being the bed bugs, not your kids), think of how difficult it can be to get into bed and try to sleep, knowing that while you’re there, tiny little insects are going to be crawling up your skin, biting you, sucking out your blood, and then walking away with fat bellies like they own the place. You wake up with itchy bites, knowing that it will happen repeatedly until you get a bed bug killer that works.
It’s Difficult to Feel At Home In Your Own Home
Whenever a significant change happens in a home, you can start to view it differently. This often happens to people when a pet dies, when relatives overstay their welcome, or when there’s an infestation of bloodsuckers that could be waiting on the couch for you to take your weekend nap. In short, your home doesn’t feel right as you constantly worry about how bad the bed bug situation will get. You need a natural, plant-based, eco-friendly bed bug treatment to help you get your life back in order.
It’s impossible to Talk About It
When you have bed bugs, it can be nearly impossible to talk about it. Most people associate bed bugs with dirtiness, as if you don't care enough about the cleanliness of your home to protect yourself from an infestation. It's a common misconception that bed bugs only exist in dirty homes. Still, the truth is that bed bugs can thrive in any environment regardless of cleanliness. The fanciest hotel in the world might have bed bugs, and those who are well-off enough to visit the fanciest hotels can bring those bed bugs home to their fancy houses.
But those facts don't matter. People still associate bed bugs with filth, and that stigma means that no one will admit that they have a bed bug problem. You might start to scratch a bed bug bite during a business meeting, but think twice. No one would think twice if you said, "It's a mosquito bite; they're sure bad this year, am I right?" But the bed bug situation is one you'll have to keep to yourself.
You Can’t Not Use Swear Words
It’s almost impossible to have bed bugs and not use swear words. You pull back the covers and see the defecation spots they’ve left behind and think, “That little @*# %!” Get up in the morning with bites on your arms, and it’s hard not to say, “Those stinkin’ @$%@#%!” See those bites on your kids, and you’ll almost certainly say, “I’m gonna kill you, you #$@& @&*#$!” (that last one was two swear words. It gets worse when you have bed bugs). So please, do kill those #$@& @&*#$ before your kids walk in and learn a few more choice words.
Bed bugs can turn your life upside down and cause you to act in ways you’d rather not. Instead of putting up with it, find an all-natural, eco-friendly bed bug treatment with a money-back guarantee. Trust in the Bedbug Store to provide a natural, plant-based, kid- and pet-friendly bed bug killer you’ll love!
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.