Bed Bugs By The Numbers

As we’ve detailed in numerous blogs, bed bugs are terrible in every conceivable way. Whether in a house or a hotel, they play no part in the world, existing only to make your life miserable until you purchase an eco-friendly, natural bed bug killer from the Bedbug Store.
BUT...that doesn’t mean they aren’t attractive! Let’s look at some numbers you might experience as you deal with bed bugs.
That’s the number of milliliters bed bugs take from you in a bite. That’s actually less than many other types of blood-eating insects, such as mosquitoes, horseflies, and ticks.
Of course, it’s not the amount of blood they’re taking that’s actually affecting your life. Your body has already replaced that blood before the bed bugs even crawl off you. However, you still have to deal with the associated itching. There’s also the social stigma with bed bug bites on areas of your body that aren’t covered by clothing. Of course, the worst part about bed bugs might be the mere thought that they’re just waiting to attack you once you fall asleep. This can wreak havoc with your sleep schedule.
That’s the number of bites you’d have to get in one night to be completely drained of blood! Has this ever happened? No, but it’s a fascinating little back-of-the-envelope figure.500
That’s the number of eggs a female bed bug can lay in a lifetime. While that might not be as many as a housefly, that’s 500 more bed bugs you can get from a pregnant female who catches a ride into your bedroom on your luggage. That’s why it’s a good idea to have bedbug traps in your house perpetually. You can avoid an entire infestation if you can prevent that one-bed bug before it lays its eggs. (Bed bugs are amazingly good at offsetting the effects of inbreeding, so I don’t think that will stop them.)
The number of larval stages a bed bug goes through before it becomes an adult. Bed bugs are colorless when they come out of the egg but turn darker after blood meals. They require a full-blood meal before they molt their skins and become larger.
Bed bugs, whether nymphs or adults, hide during the day. But our bed bug light can more easily detect the egg cases and the fecal spots so that you know where to put the traps and our natural bed bug spray.
Adult bed bugs are small at about 5.5 millimeters, but most people can see them. Nymphs are smaller, of course; eggs are too small for most people to see unless found in large groups and are against a dark background. Unfortunately, that’s not how most bed bugs lay their eggs.
12 months. That’s how long a bed bug can live, biting you hundreds of times. Oh, and they’ll also be mating and producing more bed bugs for seven of those 12 months. That’s why you can’t let them reach maturity. Spray them with our eco-friendly, natural bed bug killer, suck them up in your vacuum, and steam them to death with our heavy-duty bed bug steam cleaner!
That’s the number of feet that bed bugs will travel for a meal. As we’ve told you before, bed bugs are attracted to you by the C02 (carbon dioxide) you exhale. They’ll find you anywhere.
You might say, “That’s a long way for such a tiny creature to walk for a meal.” That’s true, but it’s also a long way in a house! Most houses aren’t more than 70 feet long in any direction, meaning that bed bugs have no trouble traversing the entire length of a home to get to you. That’s why you might want bed bug traps everywhere, not just in the bedrooms.
This is the number of days an adult can survive without eating. In ideal conditions, that’s more than a year. Of course, those are laboratory conditions. You should be more concerned with...
That’s the number of months that most bed bugs survive without feeding. So even if you have an extended stay overseas or your business transfers you for a few months, you’ll still come back to some very alive and hungry bed bugs.
However, there are effective and convenient ways to kill bed bugs yourself using family-friendly ingredients without breaking the bank. Our Natural Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides a plant-based solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA and relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return.