Labor Day Weekend Traveling: What's Your Bed Bug Risk?

Although this also means temperatures will be cooling down soon enough, bed bugs are still within peak numbers, and the likelihood of a run-in is still relatively high.
How Likely Are You to Be Exposed to Bed Bugs?
Surprisingly, being exposed to bed bugs is far more common than we think. If there is one thing that bed bugs are incredibly talented at, it’s hiding in the tightest of spaces. Unfortunately, this means they can lurk a few feet away without detection. Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding off a host, allowing them to hide for long periods while they await the perfect opportunity to feed and create an infestation.
How to Spot Bed Bugs
Looking for bed bugs is the first step in limiting your chances of bringing home bed bugs. Once you arrive at your destination, leave the luggage outside of the room or place it in the shower or bathtub. Check the bedding, bed frame, mattress, head, footboards, and any bedside furniture. If you spot any bed bugs, immediately notify the staff and ask to be placed in a new room at the opposite end of the hotel, maybe even on a different floor.
What to Do After Exposure to Bed Bugs?
If you have been or believe you have been exposed to bed bugs, following the proper steps to prevent a bed bug infestation is most important. Thoroughly check your luggage. You can also help protect your belongings and give yourself peace of mind using luggage encasements and travel spray.
Don’t Forget…
Discussing your bed bug concerns will help limit and prevent infestations. Though it may be uncomfortable to discuss, it helps to limit the potential spread of bed bugs. The more people are aware and begin treating possible infestations, the faster, easier, and more successful treatments can be!
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.