Other Ways To Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Home From a Garage Sale

In a recent blog, we discussed why bringing home furniture from a garage sale or Craigslist is almost always wrong. After all, you decide what comes into your home, and not bringing in something with bed bugs is one way to control the situation. So, while it’s possible to take some precautions and ensure some pieces of furniture are bed bug-safe, some should be avoided at all costs (mattresses and upholstered furniture are certainly two).
“Okay,” you might think, “I don’t need furniture anyway. But I sure do love a good garage sale. Can’t wait until Saturday!” Hold on; we’re afraid we have to ruin some of your fun. While furniture is almost always a no-no, we’ve got some smaller items that are also a good idea to avoid. When looking for a bargain, ask yourself, “How confident am I that this doesn’t have bed bugs?” and “Is it worth the risk?”
Stuffed Animals
Danger Level: High
Head to Toys R Us and look at the price of stuffed animals. $8, $15, $25, $149.99?! So when you see a stuffed animal at a garage sale for a quarter, it can be tempting to give in when your son or daughter starts hugging it and going on about how “totes adorbs” it is.
Sorry, kids, but as cute as it is, it should be left at the garage sale. Sure, it could have bed bugs, but it also probably has other “features” you’ll want to avoid, like dried snot and saliva.
Bags and Luggage
Danger Level: Sky High
Okay, let’s reflect on recent blogs and detail the most common way bed bugs get into people’s homes. The answer is that they travel in luggage that brings them in after people have been in an infested hotel.
So, the luggage is definitely out. But what about bags, including purses and camera bags? Best not to risk it. They’re filled with nooks and crannies that the little vampires can hide in.
Bedding and Pillows
Danger Level: High
It's best to leave it at the garage sale. If you can't say no, you'd better be willing to wash them in hot water and put them in your dryer with the hottest setting. Make sure no bugs drop on the floor to the washing machine.
Danger Level: Pretty Low, but...
Are we going to ruin all the fun? What’s wrong with electronics? We weren’t going to mention it until this story broke last week about PlayStation 4’s being particularly susceptible to roach infestations. Yes, you read that right.
Remember, insects are cold-blooded, so they like any place that’s:
a) warm, like a gaming console,
b) has easy access, like heat dispersing vents, and
c) safe, thanks to predators unable to get through the vents.
While we deal exclusively in bed bug eradication products, we just thought we’d tell you what you could be in for if you have a gaming console in your bedroom. After all, bed bugs are cold-blooded too. And they’re just as nasty as cockroaches, so they’d probably get along pretty well!
So, what’s safe to purchase at garage sales? Perfectly smooth glass balls. That’s it.
We kid, of course, but we thought it best to tell you that it’s always important to be careful about purchasing bed bugs, uh, we mean, great deals at a garage sale. If you can’t give them up, make sure you have a plan when you get home, whether it’s a clothes washer and dryer, a steamer, or some bed bug-killing spray.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.