The Downside To Certain Bed Bug Treatments, Part 2: Chemical Exterminators

Here at the Bedbug Store, we’ve provided an easy-to-use, all-natural bed bug killer for over a decade. We noticed how ineffective and costly traditional bed bug treatments were and knew there had to be a better way. We think someone put it best when they said: “Treatments can be costly, laborious, time-consuming, repetitive, and embarrassing, and may entail health risks.”
With all those negatives, we decided to find something that would work better, reduce or eliminate health risks, and not break the bank. That’s why we developed our all-natural bed bug spray and bed bug traps and offered them to the public.
Unfortunately, not everyone has found us. That means people are still using older methods that could pose a health risk. One of the most typical bed bug treatment methods is using old-school pesticides. Let’s look at why you’ll want to avoid the harshest chemicals when you need a bed bug treatment.
Harsh Chemicals Are Dangerous
Most chemical bed bug exterminators use permethrins and pyrethrins, which are carcinogens. Nearly every chemical that an exterminator uses is detrimental to human health, whether because it could cause cancer, reproductive problems, or breathing difficulties.
The fact is, you don’t want these harsh chemicals in your house, around your kids or pets, or in the place where you spend a third of your life: your bedroom.
It Takes Multiple Treatments
If you ever talk to a chemical bed bug exterminator, most won’t claim they can handle the problem in a single treatment. If they make such a claim, they’ll likely be back. The fact is, most chemical bed bug treatments take between two or three visits from the exterminator, and maybe more if it’s unsuccessful. Of course, that means having to schedule a time to take off from work not once or twice but three more times.
The Neighbors Are Alerted
It’s human nature to care what our neighbors think. And what are they going to think if you have an exterminator outside your home multiple times? “Is it roaches that they’re taking care of? Or earwigs? <gasp> What if they have bed bugs?”
Chemicals Affect Fabrics
Unfortunately, most chemicals used during chemical bed bug eradication will stain the materials in your bedroom. This could be your mattress or box springs, your bed linens, or your bed frame. Stained carpets are also possible and are much harder to replace than any other material.
They Might Just Tell You To Chuck It
One of the most effective ways to get rid of bed bugs is to remove the furniture entirely. Sure, getting rid of your dresser means that the bed bugs in it are gone, but is that something you really want to do?
Of course, an exterminator can’t force you to throw out your own property, but they can include in the contract that any guarantee they offer is rendered void if you don’t follow all of their advice about furniture removal.
Harsh Chemicals Can Spread The Problem
Most people don’t think about this when calling a traditional exterminator. When you use a particular bed bug pesticide in a limited area, some bugs will undoubtedly be killed. But others who might have been outside of the treated area will get wind of the poison and turn the other direction, often seeking out other bedrooms.
So, while you might have had bed bug problems in one bedroom, a mediocre treatment could disperse them throughout the house. (Because our spray is a natural, plant-based bed bug spray, you can use it more liberally and over a larger area of your home.)
Harsh Chemicals Are Ineffective
The chemicals are harsh, and the exterminators come back again and again. It might be worth it if the treatments solved the problem, but most of the time, they don’t!
Over the last hundred years, bed bugs have built up resistance to most of the chemicals used by traditional exterminators. They already have resistance to chemicals such as cyhalothrin, imidacloprid, bifenthrin, carbaryl, fipronil, diazinon, spinosyn, dichlorvos, permethrin, DDT, and chlorfenapyr. And because they can tolerate inbreeding so well, that resistance will stick around.
One last “fun” fact: Not only have many bed bug populations built up a resistance to insecticides, but the well-known bug killer DDT has even been shown to make bed bugs more active!
If calling the exterminator worked, we could understand why people might go ahead and use them. Sure, they cost many multiples of our Bed Bug Killer Superpack, but at least the problem would be solved.
Unfortunately, the problem isn’t solved with traditional exterminators. You might as well head straight to the Bed Bug Store.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.