The Psychological Effects of Bed Bugs: How to Cope With an Infestation

Anyone who has had to sleep in uncomfortable surroundings and wake with painful bites can attest that these tiny creatures do far more than drink your blood—they steal your peace and tranquility. While a physical bite may only be skin deep, the presence of bed bugs delves far beyond your skin and into your psychological well-being.
A Bite Into Your Mind | The Mental Side Effects of an Infestation
Bed bug infestations are known to cultivate not only physical but also psychological discomfort. Those suffering from active infestations are clinically known to experience a wide variety of symptoms ranging from sleeplessness and anxiety to even classic symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
As you deal with an active infestation, the stress of such an encounter can lead to serious mental complications. Adding to the physical stress of this encounter stresses such as the potential loss of personal possessions, the intense urgency to prepare for treatments, and the unexpected cost of bed bug treatments do nothing but cultivate a sense of uneasiness, fear, and anxiety.
In fact, one study found that out of 474 individuals with an active infestation, 29 percent experienced sleeplessness, 22 percent experienced emotional distress, and 20 percent experienced significant anxiety. Moreover, a clinical research study published in the January 2012 edition of the American Journal of Medicine found that roughly 81 percent of those with bed bug infestations reported some form of psychological effects.
How to Mentally Cope With Bed Bug Infestations
Due to the unique landscape of your mind, it's almost impossible to lay out a standard guide for mentally coping with these insistent parasites. That being noted, there are several steps you can take to ensure your mind and body remain as peaceful as possible throughout this physically and emotionally taxing encounter:
Step One: You're Not DirtyStep Two: Prepare with Peace
It's easy to become overwhelmed by your preparation to eradicate bed bugs from your home. Whether you're dealing with a small or widespread infestation, the sudden need to completely restructure and reorganize your most intimate surroundings can be stressful. While these steps are necessary, focus on your breathing and understand that life throws curveballs at you. By actively adjusting your attitude toward these essential steps, you can help avoid the stress and anxiety associated with bed bug treatments.
Step Three: Take Calming Herbs
Step Four: Your Bed Is Still Your Safe Haven
Perhaps the most significant source of anxiety and sleeplessness experienced by bed bug sufferers is the alteration of safety within their beds. Many feel that this place of rest and rejuvenation is forever tarnished. Once you've encased your mattress and treated your room, you must actively work to restore the peace of this prized piece of furniture. Spend time reviewing your bed—all while repeating to yourself that it is not tainted. Encourage yourself to find comfort where you once did. While you may have residual feelings of "bugs" crawling on your skin, known as Delusory Parasitosis, remind yourself that you've eliminated these creatures. Although this may be the most challenging part of your recovery, it's the most important.
Our natural, plant-based Bed Bug Patrol Killer Spray provides an all-natural solution to infestations of bed bugs, as well as fleas, spiders, and other common indoor bugs. Our 100% natural solution is made in the USA. It relies on the power of natural ingredients like citric acid, clove oil, and peppermint oil to naturally deter these bugs from living in your furnishings and upholstery. Just spray our solution on affected surfaces twice per day, and it will get to work on exterminating your bed bugs and preventing their return. To keep you safe from bed bugs on your travels, arm yourself with our Bed Bug Blasting Travel Spray, which comes in a handy, TSA-approved travel-size bottle for your convenience.